Week Seven: Portrait, Faceless
Photo Challenge, Week Six
Week Six: Artistic, Candy
Photo Challenge, Week Five
Week Five: Landscape, B&W
I had fun trying to find contrasts, sunshine & snow for light, mud and trees and fences for dark.
It was neat to figure out how to turn images from color to B&W on my camera!
A handy trick to have up my sleeve now. 🙂
Simeon is Three Months Old!
I blinked, and suddenly my tiny baby is eleven pounds, and 1/4 of a year old.
He is just one of the many reasons I wish there were more than 24 hours in a day…
He makes my heart so glad!!
Proverbs 27:11
Be wise, my son, and make my heart glad…
Photo Challenge, Week Four
Week Four: Head-Shot Portrait
Today happens to be my baby’s 3 month birthday,
so I wanted to do a photo shoot with him anyway.
Gabriel helped me, and we had a blast.
I played with lenses and tripods.
I almost tried filters, but had to stop for lunch.
I chose this picture (out of way. too. many.)
because I love the facial expressions.
Photo Challenge, Week Three
Week Three: Artistic, Red
My first thought on an artistic interpretation of red
was my childrens’ hair…
My second thought was wine…
And this was my favorite photo of the week’s endeavors.
Photo Challenge, Weeks One & Two
Thanks to my friend Laura, I am going to try my hardest to jump in and try a weekly photography challenge!
I am not big into new year resolutions or goals… but I hope to do more writing and more photography this year. So this will be one push toward one of those hopes. Cheer me on, please! My camera is still super new and unknown to me.
Week One: Self Portrait
Week Two: Traditional Landscape