Holy Week, vii ~ Holy Saturday Mourning Sorrow Forgetting Jesus in Sheol Sabbath
This day is one of lamentation and wondering. No festal activity, but lots of prayerful song mingled with art both visual & verbal, with a constant background of musical lamentation. Nothing like my two favorite requiems for this Holy Saturday.
Scripture Reading: Job 14:1-14 Psalm 31 Matthew 27:57-66 1 Peter 4:1-8
Holy Week, vi ~ Good Friday Trial of Christ Torture of Christ Mocking of Christ Conviction of Christ Crucifixion of Christ Conversation with thieves Conversation with loved ones Darkness Final words Death Rending of the veil Earthquake Graves opened Soldier breaks and pierces Jesus is laid in a borrowed tomb
Holy Week, v ~ Maundy Thursday Washing feet Last Supper Predicted betrayal and denial New commandment Garden of Gethsemane Prayer Disciples fell asleep
Scripture Reading: Exodus 12:1-14 Psalm 116 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 John 13:1-38 Mark 14:1-50
Activities: washing feet stripping the tables walk through a Seder meal
Art Study:
Jesus Washing Peter’s Feet by Ford Maddox Brown, 1852-6The Last Supper by Leonardo daVinciThe Betrayal of Christ by Caravaggio, c.1603
Holy Week, iv ~ Holy Wednesday, “Spy Wednesday”; plotting against Jesus, anointing Jesus; teaching, resting, fellowshipping.
Discussion Points: What was Judas doing on the Wednesday before the crucifixon? Who did he conspire with? What was Jesus doing? Where was He resting? Who was He teaching? Who anointed Him, and what is the significance of this offering? (Here is an interesting blog about Spy Wednesday.)
Art Study: Study the visual difference between faithful following and plotting following. What is the posture? Where is there light versus darkness?
Saint Mary Magdalen Anointing the Feet of Christ Artist: Master of Perea, Spanish, Valencia, active ca. 1490–1510
Maynard Dixon (American, 1875–1946), Shapes of Fear, 1930–32
Scripture Reading: Psalm 70 Matthew 26:6-16 Luke 20:19-26 Luke 22:1-6 John 12:36-50 Hebrews 12:1-3
Holy Week, ii ~ Holy Monday: Cleansing and Cursing, Children’s Hosanna
Foods: Figs! I love dried figs, and they are adequate for our day, but if there were any way I could get my hands on fresh figs and lamb, I would be excitedly cooking these skewers for dinner.
Activity: Today we are just printing paper activities to keep little hands busy while I read to the children.
Art Study: We will be pondering many of the details in this Jacob Jordeans painting. Facial expressions, imbalance, animals, bare feet, carrying a basket atop the head, gilded columns, coins. This one is rich.
Jesus Cleansing the Temple by Jacob Jordeans (1593-1678)
Scripture Readings: John 2:13-22 Matthew 21:12-22 Joel 1 Habakkuk 3:17-19 Psalm 1
Articles worth reading on the temple cleansing and cursing of the fig tree: Gospel Coalition and Sabbath.org and OliveTree as well as Wolfmueller below.