You are now on your own.
And then you aren’t.
Other real live souls are now depending on you.
You are the creator of their childhoods.
You are the influencer of their dreams and tastes and fears.
You are the emcee of all reality,
the one to introduce those small people to the true personality of their Maker
(as imaged by your life more than your words).
The choices you now make have lives riding on them. Always.
Their problems and struggles are yours to help them resolve.
Their weaknesses yours to strengthen. Or not.
(Maybe they’ll outgrow them.)~N. D. Wilson, Death by Living, p44~
For good and ill,
I am a molder of childhoods,
an instiller of instincts,
a feeder (or famisher) of souls,
a sensei of humor.
I am an image of God
(stunted and vandalized but all the earthly father my kids can have).
Thank God for faith and bulk-ordered grace.~N. D. Wilson, Death by Living, p44~
Those pictures are tooo cute! 🙂 Thank you for sharing your joy with us!
This is so good.
But it is also scary.
But so so so good.