Friday July 10, 2009

Thank you, friends, for faithfully upholding us before the throne of grace. We are thankful for each and every one of you.

The short story:
Dr. R seems very professional, very knowledgeable, very kind. His bedside manner was great, and he treated both my hubby & me with compassion and respect. We are thankful that he supports us and will do whatever he can to help us through the next few weeks (hopefully not months…) of testing, results, and praying for another miracle baby. My body is still hanging onto pregnancy hormones (grrrr) so we can’t begin the big battery of tests until that is gone. So I will keep going in and getting poked until the lab tells us I’m at a zero. We are praying that July 20th will be the day when I can finally “donate blood” — that’s how much they take from me for the testing, so I might as well call it that. 🙂
We’ve got about a 30% chance of finding out the reason(s) our babies have died. It’s worth it to us.
He said that each time I get pregnant (without knowing if I have an anomaly hidden somewhere — thus, the testing), my baby probably has an 80% chance of being full-term and healthy. If we didn’t have Gabriel, that number would be significantly lower. So we praise God for the comfort of our son!!
I don’t even know exactly how to pray — beyond “Thy will be done.” Sometimes I want to pray that we would find something “wrong” in the test results so we can address the issue. Other times I want to pray that all tests would come back unremarkable so there’s nothing to do but keep trying & keep praying. I know that in all things God is good and He is sovereign. So I am confident that our future is in His loving and mighty hands. And so are the futures of my children.
Thank you for your prayers. And the emails. And the comments here. I appreciate each and every one. God bless you.
I have more appointments scheduled. More blood tests. More scans. More consultations. We continue to pray that God will use these appointments, and the medical staff with which we are working, as His instruments of grace.

Peace be with you.

3 Replies to “Friday July 10, 2009”

  1. Melissa and Steven,

    Thank you for the update. I am thankful that Dr. R seems like a wonderful doctor and I’m hoping he can help you find the answers you are looking for/hoping for.

    I (we) will continue to lift you all up in prayer and hope along with you.

    What a precious blessing your Gabriel is!  

    God’s will be done. He knows ALL things and He does ALL things well. May He continue to comfort you, give you daily strength and guidance. 

    Lots of love, hugs, and prayers,

    Samantha (and Jaclynn)

  2. Hey Melissa,
     I’m not sure if anyone has ever complained about this, but I thought I’d let you know 🙂
    I have a really hard time seeing the font on your weblog because the background is white and then the font is written in very light pink. Is it maybe just on my computer? Anyway, I wasn’t sure if you had any way of fixing that (and maybe it is just something that’s happening on my end) I thought I’d let you know.


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