Excerpts from Passionate Housewives Desperate for God
· Instead of treasuring women and properly utilizing their gifts, our culture has attempted to discard the beauty and uniqueness of biblical womanhood and create an emotionally androgynous power-woman whose worth is measured only by the degree of her ambition, the shape of her body, and her money-making potential. Rather than women renouncing this affront to their dignity, amazingly, the slaves are demanding their slavery! (xvii)
· Biblical femininity has always been an unusual quality. (xviii)
· Virtuous women have always been rare, and oh, how precious they are! (xviii)
· Her [the godly housewife] place in society isn’t ruled by the culture, but by God’s unchanging and eternal Word. (xx)
· …Her hub of productivity and her primary focus is the place she most loves to be—her home. (xx)
· Real women need to know that being helpers to their husbands, raising godly children, and properly managing their homes takes real work, but the rich reward a woman receives by diligently tending to the ways of her household is well worth the effort. (xxi)
· While every homemaker at times falls short of this Scriptural ideal [Proverbs 31], when the godly keeper at home is faithful, her husband and children rise up and call her blessed (Proverbs 31:28), and her own works praise her in the gates (Proverbs 31:31). (xxii)
· Only Christ can satisfy your anxious heart and give you peace. Long for Him “as the deer pants for the water brooks” (Psalm 42:1). When your soul is disquieted, hope in God and praise His Holy name (Psalm 42:11). (xxiii)
· Serving our family is serving the Kingdom. Serving our husband and our little ones is serving Christ Himself. (xxiv)
· When we do fall into sin, God graciously reminds us of our utter reliance on and need for His sustaining grace. (xxv)
· We, that is, Christians as a whole, spend far more time reading self-help books and listening to motivational speakers than we do reading God’s Word or praying and making our requests known to Him. (11)
· No matter what He asks of us, it is never too much. (12)
· Though some circumstances may seem more difficult than others, we can be assured that God does not take pleasure in our pain, but that He is granting it for our ultimate good and His glory. (13)
· Regardless of whether or not our husbands obey the Word, our responsibilities don’t change; we are required to obey God by submitting to our own husbands… (14)
· There are many ways we can relax or enjoy ourselves when God gives us opportunity, but to feverishly pursue solace in worldly leisure and personal pleasure is to run to an empty comforter. (15)
· …In your desire for relief from your trials, are you only willing to listen to teaching that makes you feel better about yourself or what you want to be doing, but lacks the power to truly purge the dross from your life? (16)
· False preachers, speakers, teachers, and bloggers are ready to tickle our ears under the guise of “freeing” and “encouraging” us. (19)
· How do you find out what God’s will truly is? Turn back to Scripture for wisdom and truth. Rather than being indoctrinated by the Pied Pipers of “me-ology,” allow His holy Word to renew your mind. “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2). (20)
· The truth is that biblical motherhood doesn’t mean we’re promised postcard-perfect days where we lounge together with our little ones on the porch swing in white starched dresses, sipping lemonade and singing in harmony. Homegrown children take a lot of hard work—and sometimes “it ain’t pretty.” Other times, it’s breathtaking. (21)
· Biblical motherhood means sacrifice, selfless love, and faithful dedication. It means we’re there with our families—body, mind, and spirit. To recognize our purpose in motherhood, we must see the godly generations beyond our own children (Genesis 24:60, Deuteronomy 4:9, 7:9). This means denying ourselves (Matthew 16:25) and being consumed with God and His love for us. It means starting each morning on our face in repentance and thanksgiving, pleading for His grace and for the strength to glorify Him in our daily endeavors. It means loving God more than we love our children—and consequently, He will equip us to truly love them and prepare us to serve them through Christ our Lord. It means impacting future generations by our faithfulness now. (21)
· We must reject the vain philosophies of this world that distract us with selfish pursuits and instead embrace the magnificent paradox of the Gospel. (22)
· …We need fresh vision, because our work at home does so much more. Rather than burden the wife and mother at home with a myriad of educational “musts” for her toddler or create a ridiculous picture of a daycare-flavored home life for her to emulate, why not give her a vision for what is real, what is industrious, and, most of all, what is important to the kingdom of God? (26)
· Our Creator has given us women a glorious station where we are to employ and invest the talents He has given us. When we recognize and fully embrace our calling, we are finally free to truly enjoy it; we’re able to experience contentment in the uniqueness of our role and achieve overwhelming victory in our homes and lives! (30)
· God could have simply raise up a woman from the dust of the earth—an independent creature who could keep Adam company and even partner with him in subduing the earth by pursing equal and separate venues. Yet He instead caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep, and from man’s own rib God fashioned his glorious completer—woman (1 Corinthians 11:7-9). (31-32)
· In serving as her husband’s helper, a wife performs many valuable roles. She is to be his solitary lover (Genesis 2:24; Song of Solomon 4; Proverbs 5:19), his counselor (Proverbs 31:26; 1 Kings 1:16-21) and his closest friend (1 Peter 3:17; Ephesians 5:33). She has the unique honor of mothering his children (Genesis 1:28, 3:20, 24:60) and keeping their home (Proverbs 31:27; 1 Timothy 5:14; Titus 2:4-5). In all of her tasks, she seeks to further him as a man. His work of dominion is her work; she embraces his vision as her own as she promotes and enhances his life pursuits. (32)
· Though a woman may bring extra income into the household by her various home-based offerings, the husband is to be the primary provider for the family. Through hard work (Genesis 3:19; Proverbs 28:19) and the avoidance of folly (Proverbs 13:18), he must ensure that his family’s needs are met. (33)
· …The wife’s primary role is that of mother and home-keeper. She is to diligently tend to the affairs of their home (Proverbs 31L27), even as she bears (Genesis 3:15; Genesis 24:60; 1 Timothy 2:15) and cares (1 Samuel 1:23; Proverbs 31:21) for their children. (33)
· Being a keeper at home is a holy mission; it is a rewarding duty that we women are to passionately undertake. As part of our sacred call, we are to wisely build a godly, spiritual dynasty (Proverbs 14:1) by helping our husbands advance seven culture-transforming missions which Doug Phillips has summarized so well:
The household is the God-ordained seat of education. It is the first place where we are to develop and communicate a distinctively Christian aesthetic for culture. The home is not to be relegated to a mere place for consumption, but transformed into a powerful tool for industry and production. In the household (not the state welfare agency we find God’s true pattern for multi-generational, covenantal care. The home, not even the temple or church meeting house, has always been the God-ordained primary locus for daily worship. Our homes not only provide us with a platform to honor God’s non-optional commands for one-anothering and hospitality, but they were designed to be the most powerful forums for evangelism and discipleship in the Christian’s arsenal. (34-35)
· Ladies, we have a great and glorious work before us. Keeping the home has been entrusted to us by God. Under the leadership of our husbands, we are to train up our children in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6); we are to create beauty and comfort within our homes (Proverbs 31:22); and the work of our hands should reflect industry and productivity Proverbs 31:13-21). We are to worship alongside our children, teaching them the laws of God (Proverbs 6:20) night and day (Deuteronomy 6:6-7). We are commanded to practice hospitality to strangers and friends alike (1 Peter 4:8-9)—sacrificing in love a portion of ourselves (1 John 3:16) to those who enter our homes. (35)
· As difficult as it may be to believe, the hands that tenderly bathe your baby at night are no less holy than the hands that serve you communion on Sunday. Every small act of love to your family—every diaper you change, every meal you prepare, every toilet you scrub, every errand you run, every fever you tend to, each tooth you pull, every moment of undefiled intimacy with your husband—each one is a holy act when it’s done as unto the Lord. (37)
· Husbands need attention, and being available to your husband is crucial to your relationship with him. (37)
· If we are faithful in bearing and training up our children, by God’s grace, over the next few generations, we will see a growing army for Christ—an army that will take dominion of the godless nations of the earth for the glory of God! (43)
· We must remember that our families are our ministries. (43)
· …If we utilize the nurturing skills God has given women and develop the hospitable and merciful nature that comes a woman of God, we will “extend our hand to the needy” (Proverbs 31:20) within our own households. (44)
· Though the husband is the leader in setting the direction of the home, it is his wife who is called to transcribe his wishes onto the family canvas. (45)
· Building a rich a vibrant family culture takes time. It takes initiative and perseverance. (45)
· The home is a place where memories are made, meals are shared, truths are learned, stories are told, and lives are formed and defined. It is a place of industry and usefulness; a place where thousands of cultural expressions are conveyed and where a family’s unique flavor and character are cultivated. (45-46)
· We must daily sculpt our children into Kingdom treasures (Psalm 144:12) and use the culture-building palate of the home to create a breathtaking masterpiece that spans generations. (46)
· The profound impact that a solid marriage, familial love, and godly order has on the children in a Christian home is dramatic. (46)
· God’s name should be exalted in the way we live out our lives—however simple or mundane it may seem. (47)
· Spending time with God and in His Word is crucial, but don’t set yourself up for disappointment by expecting a regular time of peaceful bliss in prayer and solitude. I believe that one of the heaviest burdens well-meaning Christians place upon the shoulders of mothers at home is the mandate of “quiet time.” (50)
· …To beat ourselves up over our failure to create a worship time that resembles someone else’s isn’t necessary and can sometimes be detrimental. (51)
· But rather than praying a river at an appointed time every day, I would suggest a more reasonable and feasible option for a busy mother: pray in “droplets” throughout the day. Not only is this achievable, it is biblical. (52)
· You’ll find yourself rising above your trials by God’s sustaining hand when you make His Word a continuous presence in your day (Psalm 119:116-117). (53)
· I learned to gather my little ones around me to pray the Lord’s Prayer, for my good as well as theirs. (54)
· Sometimes we get too spiritual for our own good. (55)
· We need to learn to find Him in the commotion of everyday life. We must view serving our families as acts of service to God, rather than as acts that “get in the way” of serving Him. (55)
· I could be bitter toward the family God had called me to serve, or I could ask God to give me the strength I needed to die to self and glorify Him. (57)
· When we trust God, take our eyes off our troubles, and simply choose to do what needs to be done, God blesses us. (57)
· As our children grow in wisdom, we do, too. (58)
· Although he [the Apostle Paul] didn’t glory in his sufferings, he did glory in the grace of God that enabled him to endure them. (58)
· Sometimes it is in the midst of our trials that we gain the sweetest refreshing of all. He will multiply your strength in His own way. The key is to seek Him first, rather than as a last resort. He will give you all you truly need… (60)
· While we learn to trust, our husbands learn to lead. (61)
· Often we have grandiose aspirations for all we think a mother should be accomplishing. You don’t need to accomplish it all this week—or even this year. (61)
· It’s very easy to compare our children to the children of someone we admire and become dissatisfied and frustrated with our little ones. This is especially true if we’ve been guilty of judging the parenting skills of those whose children misbehaved in our presence. (64)
· Our own families and our own lives should keep us plenty busy without the need to speculate about the ups and downs of others. (64)
· In our stubborn independence, we suppose that only the big problems should be brought to God; we imagine that we can handle the daily grind ourselves. (65)
· We should have an attitude of humility and a spirit of longing toward God and His mercy at all times. His faithfulness is why we have hope! (66)
· …Holiness is not something we can manufacture, because we are not God. Holiness is something only God can give us out of His mercy and His love. (69)
· We will be holy as God is holy—not because we are so good, but because God is so gracious. (70)
· Deep inside, we wonder why other women seem to have it so easy. When we compare ourselves to others this way, quite simply put, we are being fools. (70-71)
· At its heart, perfectionism is sinful pride… There is nothing wrong with desiring a good reputation, but not at the expense of humility and transparency. (72)
· God does call us to excel in the role he has graciously given us and strive to “adorn the gospel” as we live out God’s commands (Titus 2:10). We do this by putting our best efforts into everything we do. Even the smallest tasks are filled with meaning when we approach them with godly zest and a desire to reflect (however imperfectly) the glories of the God Who gave us breathtaking mountain peaks, luxurious flowers in all colors and sizes, velvety meadows, and sweet babies made in His image. God’s overflowing creativity abounds all around it, and it is honoring to Him when we seek to emulate it in our daily lives. (73)
· …We must glorify Him—it’s not about us. (73)
· … Avoiding perfectionism doesn’t mean embracing our inner slob. It simply means acknowledging that we are limited human beings who rely on the grace of God. (74)
· …We need to keep in mind that we represent not only our husbands (bringing them either honor or dishonor), but we represent Christ wherever we go. (74)
· …Thankfully embrace the fact that God works through humble people, small steps, and what the world considers insignificant and often thankless word. (76)
· But this is the whole point: God gets all the glory when weak and frail sinners succeed. (78)
· From tiny, humble beginnings great things grow—but only over time and through multi-generational faithfulness to God and His Word. (78)
· None of us is immune to the disease of perfectionism. All of us want to do well. All of us want to contribute something great to the world. What Christian mother doesn’t want to bring up thoughtful, godly children? But however noble our goals may be, they are utter folly if we do not keep foremost the greatest goal of them all: “He must increase; I must decrease” (John 3:30). It isn’t about me. It doesn’t al depend on me. I will never be “good enough,” but God will always be gracious enough. His mighty strength and glorious mercy is made perfect when I am weak—imperfect. (79)
· Serving and helping blesses the giver, not just the recipient. (79)
· Even in Christian churches, homemaking and motherhood have fallen from favor. …We have traded the clear teachings of the Bible for “hip” and “relevant” platitudes that affirm worldliness instead of confronting it. (84, 85)
· …We have a narrow idea of what it means to be a keeper at home. (86)
· Sure, “anyone” could do it [keeping the home], but God has providentially given it to me to do—and it is my job to see that it’s done right and to train my children to work alongside me. (90)
· Homemaking isn’t about doing it all—all by ourselves. It is about a beautiful principle that we find throughout Scripture; “My life for yours.” (90)
· The loss of the Christian homemaker is a devastating one—and all the more so because we do not understand what we have lost, nor do we appreciate what it takes to establish a godly, hospitable home. (91)
· …Homemaking is far more than housekeeping. (91)
· Vibrant Christian homes where families work together, contented in God’s wise division of labor, can quite literally change the world. (92)
· Home is too important to be left to itself; it is something precious to be tended, cared for, kept, and, yes, guarded. God has given women a sphere that is naturally and wonderful their own to manage and wisely govern. (93)
· The home is a tiny world—a cosmos all to itself. (93)
· You see, homemaking isn’t about the house itself of the things it contains. Being keepers at home is about focusing upon the Lord in all the everydayness so that our houses become centers of hospitality, forgiveness, training, business, welfare, charity, shared mourning and celebration, and—oh, yes—lots of tracked-in mud, crumbs under the chairs, and everything else that goes with human beings. (94)
· We must not lose sight of the fact that our homes are God-given tools to bless others. They aren’t the end goal; they are, simply, one of the means to the end. And what is the end? Dying to self, laying down our lives, serving others that Christ may grow His kingdom and transform the world and ourselves as we do things His way. (94)
· One of the strange ironies of feminism is that it isn’t feminine. (99)
· As women, we have the very noble and awe-inspiring task of showing the world what a “glorious church” looks like as it submits to and honors its Head. (104)
· No talents are wasted in the Kingdom of God, and putting gifts to use in the service of husbands and godly households is not akin to burying talents in the ground. (106)
· The skills and talents that the Lord developed in me throughout my years of homeschooling are ones that perfectly complement my husband’s particular calling. (106)
· There absolutely is a place for husbands to bless their wives by helping with a busy household, but God has given us a division of labor for a reason; no one has to “do it all.” (107)
· When I am consistently and faithfully fulfilling my responsibilities, my husband is free to do the things he was created to do. (107)
· The beauty of following our biblical roles is that wives not only get to fulfill the Dominion Mandate with their husbands in different but equally important ways, but they are able to present to the world a picture of Christ’s Bride, the Church, at the same time. Christ is the Head of the Church—not her slave-driver or her sugar-daddy. The Bride is joyfully joined to the Head, Who has “raise us up with Him and seated us with Him in the Heavenly places” (Ephesians 2:6). This it eh beautiful paradox of the gospel: the last shall be first, and the least shall be greatest (Proverbs 25:6-7; Mark 9:35). (107)
· Submission, therefore, does not place us in a position of dishonor or shame; rather, it provides the opportunity for our head to show us greater honor by cherishing us through Christ-like leadership. (107)
· God’s Word is clear: when His people obey Him, marriages, families, and cultures thrive (Deuteronomy 11:8-28). Men provide for their families in spite of having to work “by the sweat of their brow,” and women birth and nurture children in spite of the pain and difficulty of childbearing. (And note that work and childbearing aren’t curses; it’s the difficulty and pain associated with them that are.) (111)
· One of the most foolish things a woman can do to her husband is to emasculate him by putting him down publicly. Complaining about his bad habits or revealing his weaknesses is not only foolhardy, it is a clear violation of Christ’s command that we do to others as we would have them do to us (Matthew 7:12). (113)
· …There is a place for relationships between women, but these cannot be based upon gossip, family disloyalty, shared bitterness, or unwholesome intimacy. The relationships laid out for women in Scripture are based upon mutual edification, mature counsel, biblical wisdom, and genuine affection grounded in godly fellowship. (115)
· It’s really very simply: God made man to need woman. It’s hard to overemphasize this point. (115)
· Let your children hear you praise your husband, and tell them what a wonderful father they have. (116)
· Remember that godly femininity complements masculinity—it brings wholeness to humanity. (116)
· …Just as bathing a dog doesn’t baptize him into the faith (he is still a dog, after all), neither does sanitizing the corrupt philosophy of feminism make it Christian. You see, it is possible to be a Christian feminist, but ironically there is no such thing as “Christian Feminism.” The Christian feminist is either herself deceived, or she is attempting to deceive us (2 Peter 2:1-3). (119)
· While the whitewashed feminist may claim Christ, she does not fully embrace the Scriptures—she picks and chooses which of Christ’s teachings she feels like following. This is dangerous indeed. (122)
· …Feminists have trouble with Genesis 2 because it portrays a clear picture of the biblical roles in marriage before there was any sin. (125)
· On the day God designed them male and female, He demonstrated Eve’s intrinsic worth in that she, too, was created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). Yet, even at Creation, God revealed the role He had planned for her—a “helper” to her husband—the finishing touch to the masterpiece of oneness designed to take dominion over all the earth and multiply generations who would glorify Him! (127)
· I encourage Christian women to carefully analyze their thinking and cautiously choose the books the read, blogs they visit, and teachers from whom they choose to learn. (128)
· …Regardless of whether or not men obey God by faithfully leading and loving their wives, as women, we are still required to obey God by faithfully and respectfully following our own husbands. Our responsibilities to the Lord aren’t contingent upon the obedience of anyone else. We are to submit to our husbands “as unto the Lord” (Ephesians 5:22). Even when husbands fall short, God can use the faithfulness of godly, submissive wives as a catalyst for change. (129)
· Whatever trial we are experiencing, we can be sure that God is at work in us. We must not reject the trial or irritation, because it is God’s will for us at this point in our lives. (130)
· It is so hard not only to say we accept His dealings with us as good, but to truly believe it! (130)When we repent of our blindness to our own sin and willfulness and lay down our desire to rule, we will be free to rejoice and thank God for His provision and cling to the role He has given us—praising God that we are liberated from the bondage of sin that makes us loathe submission to our husbands. (131)
· Too many times we unwittingly soak up the pollution of the world (Matthew 12:43-45) because our spirits are empty of God’s Word (Proverbs 15:28; 1 Peter 3:15). (132)
· …The Church today is jumping on a train whose engine has already gone over the cliff! Instead of getting out and turning around, we’ve decided the train car will be just fine if we pain it a prettier color or call it by a different name. But feminism is still feminism; and the results of feminism will be just the same for the Church as they have been for the world—possibly worse, because we should know better. (145)
· We are meant to live in community—not in isolation. When God said it wasn’t good for Adam to be alone, He really meant it. Societies and cultures are not built on individuals; they are built on the strong families God creates from men and women who covenant with one another for life and bear fruit for His kingdom! (146)
· I lament the years I wasted trying to “find myself” when I could have been dying to self. (147)
· Biblical womanhood has so much more to offer that you don’t want to waste a minute of time throwing your gifts and talents away on pursuit of your individual goals. There is much to be passionate about as we pursue biblical womanhood! Kindling this passion and fueling it for the glory of God is our life’s calling, and no side road (however tempting) is going to lead us to contentment and joy. (147)
· Without biblical contentment, we can never find peace. … How is deep, abiding contentment to be found? If it isn’t in careers, riches, houses, a great spouse, or wonderful children, then where are we supposed to look? This is where God gives us the eternal paradox: true life is found in death; true happiness is found in sacrifice; true peace is found in giving away our comforts and security. (150)
· Over and over again, Jesus shows us that true living is found in joyfully sacrificing ourselves for others. It is found in dying to our own desires and wants so that we can pour ourselves out for Christ in the service of others. (150)
· It’s time to be passionate housewives who take delight in serving and find that service beautiful and meaningful. (151)
· People need the gospel, and they need to see it lived humbly and faithfully by Christians who love God’s Word and embrace it without compromise. (155)
· Sister, I am a sinner just like you. I have my own set of monsters that like to come out of the closet at night and taunt me with my failures and shortcomings. You have different monsters, but to ask for mine is just plain silly. (155)
· God has put you in the family He chose, He has placed you where you live, He has made you a member of that imperfect local church body, and He is going to continually equip you to be a Mary in your own situation. Believe it! That’s what sanctification is all about. (155-156)
· Life is full of seemingly futile and repetitive tasks. You aren’t going to escape that fact, no matter how good you are at keeping house, feeding your family, and demonstrating hospitality to saints and strangers. But you do have a choice about how you will approach those tasks. You can choose to view them all as “vanity” (empty, wasteful, meaningless), or you can choose to view them as the “better part” that God has graciously given you (service to Christ, pathways to joy, and spiritually meaningful.) (156)
· Be thankful for your health, be thankful for the ability to get up in the morning, be thankful for the tools God has given you that are such a help. (157)
· Don’t fear hard work. Embrace it and learn to do it as unto the Lord. (157)
· Jesus said that if we loved Him, we would obey His commandments—and not just the ones we like. (157)
· Rest assured that biblical homemaking isn’t about shiny appliances or weed-free flowerbeds (thou those certainly might be some tools of the trade). It isn’t about perfect children in neatly-starched clothes. It isn’t about mealy-mouthed “yes-women” who never offer an opinion or share an original thought. Far from it! Biblical womanhood is challenging, intelligent, adventurous, kingdom-building, whole-hearted hard work. (160)
· When we chafe at femininity, we ultimately struggle against God’s created order, which is His design. (162)
· There is a beautiful purpose in our femininity, and once we start to see how our traits complete—not compete with—the traits of masculinity, we should rejoice to fill the position God has called us to: helpers with a mighty role to play in the Kingdom of God. (162)
· Homemaking isn’t about starched aprons, pearls, and high heels. It’s about doing the will of God even when the world scoffs. It’s about loving the high calling that God especially has given to women. (162)
· Your home is not going to look like mine, and mine is not going to look like yours. Even if both of us are faithfully and joyfully obeying God’s commands, the results are going to be marvelously different. This is how God grows the Body with its diversity of gifts and talents. (168)
· Reading books on Titus 2 is not the same as having an older mother in the faith to lend a hand. (168)
· God’s Word isn’t about theories and spiritual niceties; it is vitally, sensibly down to earth. Revering the “hoary head” isn’t just about showing preference to the elderly; it’s about knowing where to go when we need wisdom in the flesh. Having older women teach young women wasn’t invented by some ancient patriarch to keep women tied down to the home; it’s the biblical way to foster healthy relationships and communication as wisdom is transmitted from the experienced to the neophyte. (169)
· Not an empire of stocks and bonds or skyscrapers, but future generations—something that truly lasts. (182)
· A keeper at home is the true working woman. Properly managing a household is a demanding job; nurturing little ones, and caring for everyone’s needs can by physically and emotionally draining at times. But for a wife and mother there can be no great joy; no calling more satisfying; no occupation more dynamic. (185)
· Any task will have its mundane moments. Thou you may experience “dry spells,” take them as reminders to thirst after God (Psalm 42:11). When you are weak, remember to rely on His unending strength (Isaiah 40:29; 2 Corinthians 13:4) and plead for His mercy. When you are weary (Isaiah 40:31), run to your Savior where you will find rest and help in your time of trouble (Psalm 46:1). (185)
· Virtuous womanhood is a glorious lifework. (186)
· …Thank God for everything that slows you down and forces you to contemplate your finitude. (190)
I AM going to read this in its entirety. Saving for later…
Hi Jaclynn! I hope you do get to read this and gain some blessing from these excerpts/quotes. I plan on sharing two longer excerpts soon, too, when I have time to type them out. I can’t remember whether you or your sister had asked my opinion of this book earlier — well, now that I have actually completed the book I have a better answer. 🙂
I do think it is worth reading. It’s not exactly what I had expected it to be, though. It seems like there are two main purposes in the book: one, it’s a huge pep talk for rallying women to embrace staying home and pursuing femininity in their roles are wife, mom, and homemaker; and second, it’s a big argument against feminism (both the radical version and the “whitewashed” version). Neither one of those things were new ideas to me, and actually I’m probably a little more conservative and passionate about some of those areas even than the authors of the book.
I think this book is mostly well-written, although kind of repetitive, so sometimes I felt like it was beating a dead horse. But then again, some people are very dense-headed and need things gone at from all angles before it gets through their noggin. 🙂
So if you have access to a copy, it can be a great read & something fun to discuss with another woman (even your mom or sister). If not, I do hope that the above quotations from the book bless you and inspire you and provoke you to thought.
Much love, M
All I can really say is a Big AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!! 🙂
From what I have read, this book is full of truths. A lot of which I needed to be reminded of every now and then 🙂
It does seem like the book is worth reading and maybe I’ll just get a copy somewhere soon.
Thank you so much for typing it up for us and sharing!
Love ya,
Thanks for posting this excerpt. This book is on my list to read this year and I am glad to read your review of it. God Bless!