Holy Week, viii ~ Resurrection Day!!
The tomb is empty!
He is not here!
Christ has risen, as He said!

Scripture Reading:
Isaiah 25:6-9
Psalm 118
Acts 10:34-43
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Mark 16:1-8
John 20:1-18


Special Food:
Family breakfast: Cinnamon Squares from Magnolia Table cookbook, sausage, fruit salad, & Lindt truffles.
Big Family fellowship dinner: ham, pineapple casserole, scalloped potatoes, roasted asparagus, dinner rolls (recipe from King Arthur), and malted chocolate cream pie.
Decorating the tables with signs of joy and life (flowers, candles, chocolates, linens)
Setting the table with china & glassware
Giving each child two new books, wrapped prettily ~ and a card game for them to share
Worship corporately! Sing loudly, joyfully take communion, rejoice in the midst of the assembly!
Fellowship with loved ones! Invite friends & strangers! Feast! Sing! Hunt for eggs! Praise the Lord for His kind mercy in all things seen and unseen, physical and spiritual, now and forever!

by Eugene Burnand 1898.