“Merry Christmas”—there was a scene in the newest Harry Potter movie (HP7a) where Harry and Hermione are in the graveyard in Godric’s Hollow, standing in the snow, staring at the headstone for Harry’s parents, James & Lily. It was Christmas Eve. Harry’s eyes were red and full of tears. He sniffed. Hermione knelt down and immediately placed a wreath of white roses at the foot of the headstone (thanks to her magic wand and great spell skills). There was quiet. There were muted colors. There was heaviness. There was grief.
They didn’t need to say a lot. There wasn’t a “cheer up, it’s Christmas” type of attitude.
In the grief, and with the tears, Hermione simply and quietly said, “Merry Christmas.” And that was that.
That’s how I feel about it this year.
In the grief, and with the tears, let me simply and quietly say, “Merry Christmas.”
That’s that.
I personally try not to view Christmas as a celebration of the past year. If it were that, I’d probably have more years of depressed Christmases than I’d want to admit :-\
For me, all trials, greif and “life issues” aside, I come to Christmas day with joy because its the day I celebrate the birth of my Savior. If He were never born, I’d be without hope. So no matter where I find myself on that actual day, I do my best to live it up big 🙂
Praying its a joyous one for you and yours <3
Dear Melissa,
I’m on the same page (although on a different paragraph) as you this year. Our family just got back from a whirlwind trip to the funeral of a beloved man – and our hearts are weary, letting the sorrow show through the inescapable joy. So, while we sing, “Joy to the world! the Lord IS COME!”, the tears mingle with the smiles; and our laughter is short. But the joy is, must be there, deep and unbreakable, a steady light to guide us through the fog.
Merry Christmas.
In response to Stef, I wanted to respectfully and simply say that I think living it up big for Christmas has nothing to do with what she wrote in this post. The fact that she is saying Merry Christmas at all bears great testimony to the joy and hope her family does have. When in true deep grief, there is no putting it aside to celebrate a holiday with only-joy: you celebrate through the grief, with joy in nothing BUT Christ. And I think that’s what she’s saying here (correct me if I’m wrong). There’s no faking of it. This is joy in sorrow. No separation available. If she hadn’t said Merry Christmas but grumbled instead, I’d think your comment was more appropriate. Just two cents from a friend.