Introducing my newest little covenantal creation, by the grace of the Holy Spirit & creative Word…
This is our thirteenth child, the little guy I lovingly call Sweet Teen.
The beloved baby I hold now in the depths of my own body…
whose heart beats beneath my own…
whose precious limbs flail without me even feeling them yet…
this is the person I ache to look upon with my own eyes this autumn…
and until then, we pray and we hope and we rejoice…
I take medications and shots and adhere to dietary restrictions…
I rest and I puke and I ache…
and I give unabashed thanks every single day to the Author of life…
and it brings me such joy to share this glimpse with you
into the secret places where the Lord is secretly & miraculously weaving microscopic threads
into a little itty bitty person in His image
and in ours.
And I weep for joy
because the Lord has heard our cries
for life.
Sex as an act of creation, of art, of life,
filled our thoughts and bed and intertwined the parts of us
we didn’t realize we’d still been living separate.
This righteous act of love that reminds human creatures
that there is a miracle wrapped in the gift of pleasure.
A miracle that points to a good Gift Giver outside ourselves,
outside our control, outside our timelines,
outside our attempts at manipulation or desperate demands.
Galaxies must align and collide in the secret dark,
and all we can do is humble ourselves
to be available to something much bigger than our comprehension.
~Lisa-Jo Baker, Surprised By Motherhood, p184~
God knits babies together in the secret dark.
And we can plan all we like,
but we have no actual control over the outcomes.
We bear witness to the miracle, and we women—
we also bear it in our bodies.
But we certainly don’t dictate it.
~Lisa-Jo Baker, Surprised By Motherhood, p166~
God already knows
He already delights.
He has already been singing over them in the dark,
secret hours of spinning life out of strands of DNA—
an artist at work, creating and shaping another Adam-child in His image.
And the sonogram is desperate to catch up.
The black-and-white shifting dimensions on the screen only hint at His handiwork.
At the brilliance and the raw beauty beating
with the brand-new chambers of a heart there on the dim screen.
It is the shape the Father sculpted in the beginning
and the shape the Christ-Son took.
It is the ancient, familiar form
that is still somehow new every time we see it fitted over a new soul.
Upward and forward and deeper into the heart of God
with each new life He entrusts us with.
Parts of us crack wide open,
and we are vulnerable to a vast army of fears,
for to parent is to ache over the unknown.
~Lisa-Jo Baker, Surprised By Motherhood, p166~
Congratulations on this precious new life!
Yay!! I’m praising our Lord with you and will keep Sweet Teen in my prayers!!
God’s tender mercies!! So thankful with you!!
BTW You look spectacular here! You have glow about you.
So funny Mel, because I couldn’t disagree more… I only use the (horrid!) picture because it’s the only one I took after our appointment! LOL. So thanks friend. 🙂
Oh Holly, what a sacrifice of prayer… thank you for that gift. (((hugs)))
You can say so much without saying anything at all. 😉
Thanks Jaclynn. God’s mercies are new each morning, and wow, some mornings He’s just right there in our face shouting good tidings!
Praying hard for this little one! And for complete peace for you. I only know a fraction of the stress of waiting you’re going through, but I know enough that I’m keeping you before the throne. And I’m so glad for this precious tiny life in you. =)
Praying for you Melissa! Much love!
Melissa, I’m so happy for you! It’s been a long time since we’ve chatted and I admit, since I’ve been checking in – but every now and then I still come back and have been so saddened to hear about your other losses but overjoyed to see this news! Congratulations and prayers for your family and for this new precious little life!
What a lovely little gift. I love the hope and beauty in an ultrasound and ultrasound pictures; such miniature life going on, a tiny form being put together. Such a joy.
You know you are often and regularly in my prayers, and this little one is as well.
Praise the Lord for this beautiful gift! I had been praying for you that He would bless with you a baby this year and He has answered all the prayers! 🙂 He is soo good!
Continuing in prayer and thanksgiving!
Samantha, what’s so fantastic too is that the little rose you sent me when Heritage died, and which bloomed all the way through the summer, just recently came to life again and is beginning to bud again! How great is that?!
Ladies, your joy and your prayers humble and bless me. Thank you from the fullness of my heart.
That is wonderful that the Heritage Rose is blooming again! I’m thrilled for you!:)
Yay! I am so happy for you both. What a great picture of your little one and I love all the beautiful quotes. Melissa, you are such a beautiful person and I love the way yours words encourage me. Hugs