New Beginnings

Thank you to my sweet husband Steven, who worked hard to move my blog for me, and get it all set up. (Please note that his blog has moved as well, so if you had it linked anywhere, you’ll need to update that, too, I think.)

Please bear with me as I get used to the changes, and try figuring things out a little at a time. I am trying to go back and re-tag old posts because none of the tags came across in the archives. I don’t know if it’s worth the effort or not… so we’ll see if I actually make it very far, or if I just get a very large “uncategorized” category as a result. 🙂

If you find anything particularly nice about this new layout, please let me know; but even more importantly, if you find anything that isn’t working, or that you think could be improved upon, please make sure to tell me! This is all very new to me. My husband is a blessing, since I am, uh, shall we say – not very techie. 🙂

So cheers to new beginnings! On the blog, if nothing else. 🙂

4 Replies to “New Beginnings”

  1. I love the new place! 🙂 And isn’t WordPress awesome? 🙂 Ours is on WordPress too and while it isn’t anything fancy, it’s nice and easy and very user friendly. PLUS, no ads!
    I like how you don’t have to ‘sign in’/be a member over here too.

    Also, wanted to let you know that a special package is on it’s way and something else is coming for you guys from somewhere else….


  2. I love it! The layout is very nice and the background picture is so easy on the eyes. I really love it. Excellent job, Steven!

  3. This is gorgeous. Love, love!
    The old site was difficult for me to read at times, due to the background. This is wonderful. I also like the easier sign in for a comment.
    Good job, Steve!

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