Saturday August 15, 2009

I love the formal titles discussion we’ve been having, but here’s a snippet I simply have to share. I’m pretty sure we all agree that modesty is a necessity in our lives (although, I grant you, definitions of “what is modest” vary vastly), especially as Christian women setting good examples for our children (or friends or siblings or what-have-you). Even amongst women of the Church, I see far too much cleavage, and too many bellies & backs.
I for one seem to be always on the lookout for simple solutions, especially in the summer. (right? right!)

So! I was picking up some groceries at Costco yesterday and found a special section of “visiting” wares from a company called ModBod. I picked up a 2-pack of the Perfect Tank, which are going to be life-savers in dressing modestly! I’m so excited to share this link. Although they won’t be at Costco in the future (too bad cuz there was an incredible discount!), I think I will be purchasing from the online place. As a note, they run smallish. So consider ordering bigger. 🙂
I’m excited to see the fall and winter line coming up soon, which I’ve seen previewed on the company founder’s blog. And maybe I’ll get some pretty things there sometime instead of simply under-clothing. 🙂

2 Replies to “Saturday August 15, 2009”

  1. I’m with you on the Modest thing!! I see way too much skin these days… esp. when we go swimming. And I feel it’s even worse when the skin you’re seeing is not attractive in the least bit.. not that I want to see ANY of that at ANY time, no matter what it looks like though.

    I’ll check out that link!

    Thank you!


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