I can’t believe Christmas is less than a week away! I hope your preparations and celebrations are going wonderfully, and that the joy of the Lord is your strength.
First of all, thank you all for your continued prayers for our family! The Lord is good, and continues to provide our daily bread. We rejoice in His mercies!
As a quick update on Baby Six, we have gotten two sets of good hormone levels this week – and the first ultrasound went well, too. Each day is a milestone at this point, and we continue to beseech the Lord to use our new treatments to help protect Baby Six.
Also, I realized I needed to upload a few more pictures before Christmas! Enjoy.
Going on a walk with Gabriel when it was only about 15 degrees out – it didn’t last long. 🙂
Although we were able to buy gifts for family members this year, I still enjoyed making goodies for the deacons & elders, other church workers, Bible study leaders, neighbors, and some friends. I did various types of candied nuts for most everyone, with gift bags full of jarred gifts for some people too – either pancake mix and strawberry sauce or a jar of soup mix with a small jar of cornbread mix. To fatten up our friends! 🙂
I made a super amazing food creation not long ago. Yes, I am patting myself on the back. 🙂 These are 3 Cheese Pesto Rolls. With dough made like my cinnamon roll dough (only slightly less sweet), I filled them with a mixture of cream cheese, butter, homemade pesto, and two grated cheeses. They were a huge hit!! I am already eager to make them again. 🙂 One night we had them for dinner with breaded pork chops, and another day with tomato soup (that was on a Sunday – notice the Advent candles?).
A short series of pics from when we took our Christmas photo. 🙂
And the winner was….
Decanting some delicious port.
Celebrating Advent with readings, music, and -Gabriel’s favorite part- chocolate truffles!
For the first time, we were invited to a Christmas party! A cocktail Christmas party. It was so much fun to have an excuse to get dressed up and go out! And -for once- we stayed up late too. 🙂
We also recently had a Family Date Night – I think this “first” must become a tradition of sorts. 🙂 We took Gabriel out to our favorite local burger joint, and he got his very first cheeseburger. He loved it! Didn’t even want fries. 🙂 Then we went to a toy shop and let him roam the aisles for a while. It was so cute! We bought him a Christmas toy (a super cute little tractor, complete with animals in a trailer that make noises), after judging his favorites. 🙂
It was brrr. cold here last week too, we had a low of about 10*!
Since then lots of rain and warmer weather.Thank you so much for sending us your Christmas family photo, it is on our fridge. ;o)And for the update too, we will continue to lift the baby and your family up to the throne of grace. May our Heavenly Father give you strength, hope and joy for each new day.You amaze me with all the delicious goodies you made for others; what a special treat! And those rolls look so yummy! *hugs*Jaclynn
Cute pictures! Gabriel is such a handsome boy. Hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas!
Oooh! I MUST try to make your cheese pesto buns. WOWOWOWOW!
Loved the photos! and thank you for the family Christmas card; you’re all so beautiful! 🙂
Mmm, Gabriel’s hamburger looks good and looks like he really enjoyed it too.
Parties are fun; esp when they are more of a rare occasion *smiles*
Those pesto cheese rolls are very good looking; I wants the recipe! 😉 please.
I’m glad you and the baby are doing well; day by day. Praying for you all still and hoping for the very best!
Love ya,
Erin & Samantha,
I don’t have a recipe for my 3 Cheese Pesto Rolls… but I plan on making them again in the not-too-distant future. At that point, I will try to write down what I do, so I can share it with you. Unless you’ve figured it out on your own by then. 🙂
And Merry Christmas to you all, too! A couple days early… 🙂
I agree with Erin, those pesto buns look amazing! Please post the recipe! I am glad to hear everything is looking good for you and the baby so far, I will continue to lift you guys up to the Lord! Merry Christmas!