my usual:
the Bible – still going through the latter part of the New Testament, just starting 2 John
“Morning and Evening” by C.H. Spurgeon
“The Loveliness of Christ” by Samuel Rutherford
“The Hidden Art of Homemaking” by Edith Schaeffer
new additions:
“The Ache for a Child” by Debra Bridwell
“Empty Womb, Aching Heart” by Marlo Schalesky
“A Path Through Suffering” by Elisabeth Elliot
“When The Darkness Will Not Lift” by John Piper
what are you reading??
I’m mainly just reading in the Bible right now; I’m in 2nd Kings, 2 Chronicles, and nearing the end of Matthew. I’m doing a different “schedule” this year and liking it so far. Though I think I like the one with a Psalm every day better.
We have a John Piper book that I want to read soon; Don’t Waste Your Life, I think it is called.
As far as other reading goes… I read Phantastes by George MacDonald last month. It was, um, interesting. Not my favorite McDonald book by any means.
I’m starting in on an Elisabeth Elliot book. Either going to read A Path of Suffering or Be Still, My Soul (
I also recently got an Amy Carmichael book entitled Learning of God that I’m thinking I should read. Soon.
I hope you readings encourage you!
*hugs* and many blessings!!
I just recently read
Hide & Seek – Dr. Dobson
The Strong Willed Child – Dr. Dobson
Now in the midst of
Shepherding a Child’s Heart – Tedd Tripp
Arm around Shoulder, Hand over Mouth – Mimi Moseley
Tending the Heart of Virtue – Vigen Guriaon
Samantha – Don’t Waste Your Life is a great book! Do read it.