Three Days until Christmas

Because our Baby Nine was due to arrive in December this year, and because I knew we would still be living out of boxes, i wasn’t planning on doing much for Christmas. Not much decorating, not much baking, not much “holiday to-do” of any real magnitude. Not to be Scrooge-like at all, but just because of the timing of everything this year. However, with Asher making his arrival a bit early, our schedule was a bit more thrown off around Thanksgiving than around Christmas. So as it happens, we ended up not doing anything “Thanksgivingy” but we are winding up doing a few Christmasy things. Advent has gotten a bit lost in the shuffle, but Christmas shall not be! And amen. 😉

So the stockings have been hung along our stairway ~ and do you notice the glorious number of them? No longer three, but four stockings adorn our home. What a beautiful thing. Such a little thing to so many people, but truly monumental in my eyes.

And we ended up getting a tree cut, set up, and decorated, if only for the fact that our Gabriel literally begged us to have one. 🙂 So last weekend the guys stepped a mere twenty feet from our back porch and cut down a pine that would have been cut down in the spring anyway! It’s lovely. And my favorite part about it are the seven glass candle ornaments, each of which has one of our heaven-babies’ names on it. I love having a way to incorporate them into our Christmas.

We’ve also got plenty of gifts, candles, a flower arrangement, pillow, afghan, and a few other random Christmas decorations strewn about. And thus, the house that I thought would be fairly void of Christmas decorations this year is actually looking rather festive. I love it. Sitting by the fire in the evening with my boys is delightful, especially with twinkly lights and colorful gifts and pepperminty candles and choral cds enhancing the atmosphere.


We have a white board in the kitchen (someday I plan on having a big chalkboard on the wall, but that must wait until other things are accomplished first, like doors hung and shelves built and towel racks put in place…), where Gabriel and I are counting down the days until Christmas. Three days now! Wow!

So as you prepare to celebrate the miraculous incarnation of our glorious Savior, I also wanted to share this great little article that Mrs. Wilson wrote about gift-giving. What a wonderful perspective and how aptly worded. It’s so familiar to me, being right along the lines that I was raised with, and such a joy to see things written out in a humble, godly, loving way. Things that my parents exemplified to me my entire life, put into words by another wise woman. God be praised. So lavish blessings and goodness upon those around you this weekend. Reflect God and His character and His ways. We are made in His image: let us show it and share it tangibly this Christmas.

Make merry, my friends!

5 Replies to “Three Days until Christmas”

  1. This post puts a bit smile on my face. Your house is looking cozy! 🙂 And how beautiful those 4 stockings are!
    Your pine tree is beautiful.
    And now I’m off to read Mrs. Wilson’s article…

  2. I love those four stockings – such an answer to prayer for so many people and such a wonderful visual reminder of God’s promises to all of us. We are so happy to rejoice with you as you hang them all. 🙂

  3. Merry Christmas! Your house looks definitely happy, and I’m glad to see and hear that you have a fire in your living room now.

  4. FOUR stockings! Such sweet pictures of such a sweet family. I so wish we could meet so I could hug your neck. You and your family are beautiful inside and out!

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