*I’ve mentioned that Gabriel got his third tooth a couple weeks ago, right? And the fact that it’s not a center tooth, but a little fang? 🙂 Like daddy, like son. I think the one on the other side is about to pop through, too.
*I bought Gabriel swim trunks and a beach ball yesterday at Target, so now I’m on the lookout for a kiddie pool. Hurray for stockpiling birthday presents! Speaking of which, I can not believe he is 11 months old TODAY! The big birthday is coming up quick. I need to get planning. 🙂
*I went to solmusic.ca again yesterday to read some lyrics, in order to help me choose which cd to buy Gabriel for his birthday. We get to attend a Jamie Soles concert soon, and I plan to pick up a couple of birthday gifts for my big boy! I am hooked on “Pure Words” and “Ascending“, and we’ll just have to add “Memorials” to a future wishlist too.
*There are only four weeks of piano lessons to teach after my lessons this afternoon. I can not describe how excited I am about that. After more than eight years of teaching (or has it been nine…), I am ready for a many-year break.
*Have I mentioned before that I am keenly addicted to 24? Thankfully we are getting season six during a free trial of Netflix, and soon we’ll be able to catch up on hulu.com. By the way… anyone else not have a television, and love watching Hulu? 🙂 We get a huge kick out of the show “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?” Haha.
*Keeping my fingers crossed right now for good weather over the weekend so we can till and prepare the garden. I get to experiment with my green thumb this year! 🙂
*Last night I made a very delicious (if I do say so myself…) meal of breaded sole aside vermicelli in a parmesan lemon cream sauce, with mushrooms, zucchini, and green onions. Wow, I need to write down what I did so I can replicate it. Mmm.
*I neglected to mention that on Monday my husband brought me a dozen gorgeous roses! The kind that make you weak in the knees to look at, and shut your eyes in ecstasy when you smell them. In addition, he washed the dishes two nights in a row. All because he loves me. ♥ Just sayin’.
*Darling husband of mine has also been blessed with a very promising interview, so we are praying fervently for an offer there. It would basically be his dream job, combining his love of Biblical studies, Greek, and general computer geekiness. ((squealing in hope))
*I’ve been going through Hebrews and finally got to chapter 11 today. It’s pretty much the reason I wanted to start Hebrews again. ((happy dance)) I also read a psalm every day, and I’ve just finished 69, 70, 71, and today is 72. It’s so wonderful to pray through the words of David.
*That’s about it for random cheery thoughts running through my head right now. I need to get busy around the house. Thankfully I have even found some moments recently to start some crafty things. I had some baby gifts to make (check, check = all done), some scrapbook pages to do (I have them cropped and ready — maybe I can get to that before my students come today?), and also a cross-stitch project to do in honor of my baby Glory. The spring weather has been invigorating. In fact, I think we’ll go step out in it this morning before the clouds roll in. Time to breathe in some fresh spring air.
*Many blessings to you.
It IS hard to believe that your little Gabriel is almost a year… wow. He’s getting so big and grown up too! 🙂
I hope you are able to have a garden this year; we’re getting ours going a bit now.
I’m glad that you have so much support around you. What a wonderful husband you have!!! And a wonderful set of parents on both sides… and wonderful siblings on both sides. What blessings!
Love you, and praying for you,
Samantha ♥
Wow, a year old already! how did that happen?
Here’s some early birthday wishes for Gabriel!
Hulu is great! now that we have DSL we can enjoy some amenities like that. ;o)