And so our little boy keeps growing up! 🙂 He turned 19 months yesterday. He loves to climb and run and go up & down the stairs over & over. He loves cheese, grapes, and Peanut Blossom cookies. He is trying so hard to talk, and gets a super cute quizzical look on his face when I can’t figure out what he’s trying to say. He is currently addicted to Big Bear (a huge stuffed bear Grandpapa gave him), a flashlight attached to a glow stick, and his Bumbo. He loves to sit on his potty, getting up and down by himself. And being outside very well may be the best activity ever. He is also discovering a love of coloring!
This is what our 19 month old was up to this week….
Running around at Mommy & Tots.
Showing Hannah his doggie.
He loooooves staring at the tree, but he doesn’t even attempt to touch it or the gifts. Love it!
Playing outside with Dilly, Mommy, and a bucket.
And a swing! – and, oh, do you see the awesome snowboots I got him?! They are fan-super-tastic!
And the only thing the roses have to do with Gabriel being 19 months, is that Grandpapa delivered them the day Gabriel officially hit 19 months – to congratulate us on good hormone levels. 🙂 That means Gabriel’s littlest sibling is doing well *so far*. 🙂 We keep praying!!
It brings me joy to see your little guy’s smile and to also know that your baby is doing well.
Are the twins trying to walk? I saw the photo with Hannah standing….~Jaclynn
Jac- thanks! Gabriel is our constant source of joy – even when he has ear infections and is teething four eyeteeth! 🙂 And yes, Hannah is starting to walk. She can take a number of steps by herself, she’s incredibly brave! Noah isn’t trying so much, he prefers to power-crawl faster than any baby I’ve heard of.
Thanks for the message today. Sorry you hadn’t received mine from weeks ago. 🙂 And did I tell you we really enjoyed getting your family picture? It’s on our fridge. 🙂
Have a beautiful holiday season!
Can’t get over how adorable Gabriel is! I didn’t realize he and Kara are so close in age. For some reason I thought he was born a whole year before her 🙂
Merry Christmas!