Good morning, world. The calendar says that it is spring, but looking out my window I’m not so sure the skies agree yet… Beautiful, fluffy snowflakes are falling thickly, sticking to the trees and making a little layer of “white icing” coat the grass as well as the back deck. It really is beautiful. And it’s a wonderful excuse to stay cozy inside today, and not take the dog on a walk. 😉
I believe I have caught up on transferring my (thankfully very few) previous blog entries to this new page address. There were a few reasons for switching already, after only a week or two. But there you have it: I did. And I think I’m done now. 🙂
Just in case anyone wonders about the blog title… Joyful Domesticity… it was inspired by a quote from the book “Praise Her In The Gates” by Nancy Wilson. She states, “Domesticity is a devotion to home and family life. How few in our day understand it. But Christian women can embrace the call to domesticity. This is our territory, and in a sense, we Christians own it. The unbelieving woman cannot experience the fullness of joy there is in being domestic to the glory of God.”
And this is my pursuit in my life as a keeper in our home, as a godly wife, as a faithful mother: to be joyfully domestic as I am devoted to our home & family life to the glory of God. This is my mission, and this is my prayer. May God give grace to this heart and these hands as I pursue these things daily.
So anyway: I’ll be back. Feel free to check in whenever, and comment, and such. Maybe I’ll really get the hang of this after all. 🙂