“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.”
Psalm 34:19
There are all kinds of afflictions in this world. You may be afflicted with one or two, or a dozen, or even many more than that. But if you are an heir of the Lord God, the Heavenly King, then you can look ahead with hope for there will be an end! The Lord will deliver you!! And He will deliver me.
Good old Mr. Spurgeon’s comments on this verse are for you today, to encourage you & give you hope:
Many are the afflictions of the righteous. Thus are they made like Jesus their covenant head. Scripture does does not flatter us like the story books with the idea that goodness will secure us from trouble; on the contrary, we are again and again warned to expect tribulation while we are in this body. But – blessed “but,” how it takes the sting out of the previous sentence! – But the Lord delivers him out of them all. Through troops of ills Jehovah will lead his redeemed scatheless and triumphant. There is an end to the believer’s affliction, and a joyful end too.
My righteous friends, may this “blessed ‘but’” ring long and loud in your ears today! May the truth of the second half of this verse be greater to you than the first. Yes, we may have to suffer many afflictions in this lifetime. But God has promised to deliver us from every one! Not some of them, or most of them, but “them all!” Our trials will come to an end–a joyous triumphant end!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this!!
I have been struggling these past two weeks with a tril of mine- one that has been my own personal “thorn in my flesh” on and off for about 5 years if not more. And lately, it feels like 2 steps forward and 1 step back or sometimes just backwards and no progress at all.
It’s discouraging and confusing and HARD.
But I know God is with me through it all and most importantly, He is Teaching me through it. He is taking away my pride and replacing it with humility (a good thing!) and helping me to see how much I truly need to rely on HIM and HIM alone.
Samantha~ blessings to you, dear girl. I will pray for you. I know we all have trials, tribulations, etc. And I’m just so thankful that God takes care of each one of us — and each one of our trials! It isn’t always quickly done, but it IS done. Wow. Comfort. Peace.
Be blessed, Sam. God is with you. It’s through these trials that we learn so much more about Him and His character.
Love, M