Toby Sumpter pastored our church in the country for a few months one summer, and I don’t know if I have ever been as spiritually stimulated, challenged, and encouraged as I was during that time. In addition to great theology and unpacking biblical stories (he was taking us through Genesis), he gave us such good, constant reminders that we do not dictate worship. It is not up to us to decide what kind of music to sing, what elements are necessary in the liturgy, or even how to pray. Our opinions and preferences simply do not matter. What matters, then? What God thinks, what God wants, what God commands.
We no more decide on our own accord how to worship or when to worship than we can who to worship!! Scripture has it all laid out. Everyone agrees that Scripture commands WHO to worship. But it also commands HOW and WHEN. What a blessing that we don’t have to figure these things out on our own. Scripture is the revelation of God, it is one way He speaks to us. It is a way He teaches us and guides us. Especially about our relationship with Him.
Anyway… that was totally going off on a tangent… but it was something that Toby really impressed upon us. So the Sumpters have really blessed my family, both when I still was under the headship of my parents and now as the helpmeet in my own family. Of course Toby Sumpter is no longer our pastor, but he pastors a church about one hundred miles away. I still glean much wisdom and encouragement from his blog. God has truly blessed this man, and I am thankful that I have the opportunity to learn from him.
Check out his blog:
And then come see my newest bookmark, as I recently found out how to listen to his sermons online!
Praise the Lord for modern technology. Not only do we have the freedom to worship our God without worry of persecution & death — we also have books, online sermons, blogs, and so many other ways that we now can glean biblical wisdom and grow in grace. Praise the Lord!
I have gone back to the beginning of Pastor Sumpter’s sermons on Job. I think May 17th was the first one. They are excellent. I can not stress that word enough. God is good and kind to me, providing me with these sermons right now. I plan on getting caught up and being current with the series shortly.
- so how has God been growing your knowledge of His worship lately?
- have you gone through Scripture looking for His commands on what He desires in worship, instead of catering to your own preferences?
- what is one of your bookmarks that helps you walk in paths of righteousness?
- if you listen to online sermons, do you sit quietly with Bible in-lap, or is it background while doing something else?