The future flies at us and from that dark blur we shape the past.
And the past is forever.
We are authors and we are writing every second of every day.
A child scissors a couch, and that action is forever and always.
It cannot be undone.
But now it is your turn.
What you say and what you do in response will be done forever,
never to be appealed, edited, or modified.
~N.D. Wilson, Death by Living, p164~
Living means decisions.
Living means writing your every word
and action and thought and drool spot down in forever.
It means writing your story within The Story.
It means being terrible at it.
It means failing and knowing that, somehow,
all of our messes will still contribute,
that the creative God has merely given Himself a greater challenge—
drawing glory from our clumsy botching of the past.
~N.D. Wilson, Death by Living, p166~
Powerful words here!