So with the fall schedule beginning at church now, we’ve got lots of things going on again: book studies, fellowship groups, church choir, Sunday school, prayer groups, walking groups, MOPS, etc. It can be hard to know what all we should commit to ~ what we should dip our toes into. It’s taking prayer for wisdom. We are probably going to be dipping our toes in quite a few different things, and wading up to our waists in a couple choice events. I love schedules most of the time, so I guess it’s good that I have bothered filling our calendar with all the weekly/monthly events. It looks rather full now! 🙂
I’ve started reading books again more consistently lately, and it’s exciting. I somehow manage to do it while Gabriel is sleeping or while I am feeding him (he got banana in my copy of Passionate Housewives Desperate for God, haha).
Today I am reading a short essay by Elisabeth Elliot. You can read it online too, by clicking here. It’s called The Essence of Femininity.
Related to that is one of the new book studies that is starting up for the fall. It’s about 10 women of varying ages and varying life situations (they’re encouraging the older women/younger women philosophy of Titus 2:3-5). We are waiting for the books to arrive, and will shortly begin going through The Five Aspects of Woman. It discusses what biblical femininity is, I guess. I am really looking forward to this study.
I think I might try to get a copy of Womanly Dominion for my next personal read. I might even see if a friend of mine wants to go through it together and discuss it chapter by chapter. I found the book on this blog, and think it might be encouraging and beneficial. I’ve read a lot of books in the last couple of years on this sort of topic, and it’s always good to keep learning & growing in this realm.
I’m also still reading my “usual” mix of the daily Morning & Evening, and a page or two of quotes from The Loveliness of Christ each day. As a family, Steven recently finished reading the book of Matthew out loud to us, and now we are in 1 Samuel. Gabriel and I have been going through Revelation together, and today we will finish it up! So we’ll find something new next… hm… need to think about that one. I also read him a psalm every day, but today we begin Psalm 119 — so I think we’ll read it in small chunks. 🙂
So. What have YOU been reading lately?
p.s. I thought about including the list of books Gabriel brings to me every day to read to him… he has taken a habit of going to his bookshelf, grabbing a book in each hand, running over to me, handing them to me, and plopping down on his bum — think he likes reading?? umm, yes. 🙂 His favorites right now are Mr. Brown Can Moo Can You?, Dr. Seuss’s ABC, and Little Bitty Baby Learns Greek.
I am interested in maaaaybe getting these books for our little-but-hopeful-library shelf. 🙂
Psalm 103
May I ask how you like Passionate Housewives Desperate for God? I’ve heard a lot about that book this past year, on both sides.
Thank you for the link to E.E.’s essay on femininity.
I love reading, it has expanded my knowledge and horizons so much! And drawn me closer to our Lord.
Isn’t reading wonderful?
I’m reading through My Utmost for His Highest still, Jeremiah and 2nd Timothy in the Bible and just started “The Shack”. Very interesting!
I’m gonna have to look into some of those books you mentioned; they sound good!
Jaclynn~ I have not finished the book yet, but will be hoping to upload a bunch of quotes from it when I do. Overall, I think the book is wonderfully done and based upon an excellent principle. I think the humor and candor presented in the book make it enjoyable instead of dry toast. As usual though, there are portions that I think could have been better done, or even left out. But they are minimal. So with my own grains of salt, I would have to say that (through the first 3/4 of the book at least… that’s as far as I’ve gotten) it is worth reading. And worth considering, not simply skimming. The entire premise actually ties in quite well with that E.E. essay I linked you to. The debate of femininity versus feminism. A debate I am growing more passionate about through time.
Samantha~ I haven’t heard of The Shack so I think I might go google it. 🙂 And hey, Gabriel and I did Isaiah and Jeremiah not long ago (and the Timothies too!). So I think we might go into the minor prophets together, starting today! 🙂
Hugs to you both!!!
Are you doing a specific Bible schedule? I am. I’m still going through Jeremiah but I’m about to enter into Titus in the NT.
The Shack is by William P Young. I guess it was a bestseller. I was very reluctant to read it but a friend lent it to us…. and so I relented… it is definitely interesting and is starting to challenge my thinking. It gets “deep” in Chapter 6. However, there is one or two things in the book I definitely disagree with so far…. maybe I’ll do a review on it when I’m done.
Where do you get your books? We usually get them on Occasionally yard sales. But if we want a newer read, it’s hard to find unless we get time to go to the library.
Thanks for the reply 🙂
Time Travelers Wife (book club)
Hebrews (women’s Bible study)
Crazy Love (home fellowship)
How to Behave So Your Children Will also (with Jason)
The Vaccine Book (on my own)
Sam – when I was reading The Shack, someone sent me to this link and I watched this video, along with several others on the topic. It really helped me to read through the good stuff and the garbage