Current Reads: My Life for Yours by Douglas Wilson, Face to Face by Steve Wilkins, The Complete Lord Peter Wimsey Stories by Dorothy Sayers.
Current Projects: Starting in on Christmas gift crafting. Lots of fun, but so far I’ve only made a good dent in planning and acquiring supplies. Now I actually get to jump in on the actual sewing and crafting, which of course is the best part. We’re also going to try to finish up some outdoor projects in the next eight weeks or so: finishing the back fence as well as the front porch ~ we’ll see how it goes.
Current Milestones: Steven & I are keeping up with our weekly family night & date night goals! Gabriel can tie shoes! Asher cut his first tooth! Tiny Ten is a wiggly babe!
Current Challenges: Managing the stomach flu making its rounds through the house. Figuring out how to maximize the 24 hours each day God has granted us. Trying to get back into the routine of early-morning reading & prayer time with my husband. Coming up with fun, delicious, new recipes that will help me attain my goal of at least one meat-free dinner a week.
Current Weather: Positively perfect! Sunny and warmish, but with a breezy chill. Precisely what September ought to be. 🙂
Current Music: Right now, it’s Up by Jamie Soles, and earlier it was Painted Red by JJ Heller.
Current Thanks: For my husband who works hard at his office job, then comes home to play hard with our boys, and work hard again with me in the evening routines, who sacrifices of himself for each of us. For my boys, who bring more joy to my life than I could imagine, and teach me so much about God, His world, His creation, and His story. For my parents, who have eagerly come alongside us, most recently when I was down & out with the flu ~ for not only their availability to help with our sweet boys, but for their enormous desire to do so, and the way they want to be involved in their everyday lives. For our church, and the community of people there who are seeking to grow in fellowship and faithfulness, and the ways we have been blessed to share in these things.
Current Photo Ops:
I loved this glimpse into your week, Melissa. And it inspires me to be more creative! I tend to think about Christmas crafts around November, when it is too late to get much done. And your boys are beautiful! Have a blessed week, my friend.
Ack, such sweet pictures! I’m planning for Christmas crafts, too, and am hoping to get the ball rolling in earnest next week, once the rest of our guests are gone home and the house is put to rights.
What a fun update from you 🙂
And of course, the pictures always put a smile on my face! I love the one of Gabriel with Grandpa.
The book by Douglas Wilson… I’ll have to look that up!
Hurray for milestones and congrats to Gabriel on learning how to tie his shoes.
“Figuring out how to maximize the 24 hours each day God has granted us.”
Me too!
I’m sorry to hear you’ve been down with the stomach flu =/ I’ve heard of a few others who have been down with a stomach bug too.
We’re having *perfect* weather here too; love September.
*hugs* my dear friend; I hope you have a wonderful week!