My husband’s grandmother has joined the heavenly choir. While I did not know her long or know her well, I loved her for the things I heard about her, and for the fruitfulness I daily glean from the fruit which dropped from her faithful boughs.
We grieve the loss of this Christian woman who faithfully toiled, who victoriously labored, who successfully blessed ~ without her, my children would not be, my husband would not be, my mother-in-law would not be. I pray for her children who most keenly feel her absence, for her grandchildren who mourn the only grandmother they ever personally knew, for her great-grandchildren who will never get to sit on her lap and hear her stories.
We rejoice for her gain, for her rest, and praise God for the faithfulness He shows in bringing His children home to His bosom.
Rest in peace, MomMom; we will see you again in the Choir.
Praise the Lord that she is in Heaven, waiting for the rest of her family. I’m sorry to hear of her passing; I’m sure the entire family is missing her! *hugs*