We went on a day trip to a huuuuuge lake nearby, and really enjoyed the little town, the beach, the park… too fun.
Gabriel loves swinging. A LOT.
Baby feet in the sand! Gabriel wasn’t too sure about the waves though. 🙂
We stopped for some gelato, and our tastebuds had a party!
Another day, we went berry picking again. Gabriel liked checking out some of the farm machinery.
I *looooove* this picture. I want to frame it.
Here we are with our blackberries. We only got about 5 pounds each I think, so I might go back again. 🙂
Gabriel standing in the raspberry rows.
We ran into my brother & his family later-on! Guess the farms were *the* place to be on Saturday!
See my precious twins?! Well, not exactly mine. 🙂 But my niece and nephew! They’re adorable.
We got a picture like this last year, except the twins were in Auntie’s tummy.
So here’s the 2009 picture of Gabriel with all his aunts, uncles, and cousins. 🙂
All those smiles make me SMILE!!
Gabriel is so cute on the tractor!
And berry picking; mmm good! We’re going to go here soon too.
Your niece and nephew are getting big and boy, they sure do look alike.
It looks like Beth and Chris were visiting too; what fun! 🙂
love ya,