Well, we’re officially home after trotting the globe. Or at least the Mediterranean portion of it. 🙂 What a fabulous time with my family. We enjoyed being able to see my grandparents, parents, and brother/sis-in-law every day too. That was special. And I haven’t mentioned it on here yet, but I’m an auntie to TWINS now!! We’re expecting them probably in late March. I’m so excited to be a double-auntie in one stroke. 🙂 Anyway… Gabriel did really well traveling around. He is now completely addicted to being worn, and hates when I put him down. I’m trying to break him of the idea now that he must be held 18 hours a day. But I love to use wraps and carriers, and include him in everything and nurture him so closely. So it’s not necessarily a bad thing either. I only have a few pictures on my computer so far; I’ll get the rest next week. But here are a few to show you. I’m glad to be home and hope to be over the jetlag soon. But the trip was definitely a highlight of our lives. And my baby boy has as many stamps in his passport as his mama! 😉
A very cool lion outside a military building in Venice. I just liked it. I don’t know why. 🙂
A real Italian cappuccino, in Murano, Italy.
Gelato (mmm) in Burano, Italy.
I think Burano was cuter, but this is Murano.
Have you ever seen these sleep-cots for babies on planes? So cool. Too bad Gabriel only slept in it for thirty minutes. 😉
And here’s my handsome Gabriel at home, learning that there are fun things to keep him busy when Mama isn’t wearing him. Two days ago he turned FOUR MONTHS old!! And today he ROLLED OVER!! Babyhood is going by too fast for this mama. 🙂
I will try hard not to be envious of your little jaunt to the Mediterranean…it looks amazing! And I missed your blog! I wondered where you’d been! 🙂
Gabriel gets more adorable every day! And yes…babyhood goes by so fast! 🙁
What fun!! I’m glad you had the trip of a lifetime! and I’m sure you took a lot of good pics too.
Congrats on being an auntie to twins, come March!!
I missed you while you were gone! Thanks for sharing the pictures 😉
Wow, Italy! that is so neat. My adopted grammy went there this past Spring, I loved seeing all the pictures from her trip and yours were fun to see as well. And heard about the gelato…ah, someday I am going to have to try it !
I am so excited to hear about the twins on the way! *prayers* for your brother and his wife, but of course esp. for her and the babies!
Love ya!
What fun! How long were you guys gone for? It seems like you haven’t blogged in a while, but maybe you weren’t gone that whole time? I can’t wait to see more pictures! And just to make sure I got this right- Colin and Ashley are expecting twins?