L: me and Gabriel with Carrie and Emma
R: Steven and Gabriel with Jon and Emma — yay, daddies!!
L: Gabriel and Emma liked chilling out together on a blanket
R: this is how Gabriel sleeps now — he is totally in love with his soft blankies
L: Gabriel with his sweet auntie
R: here’s my boy playing on the counter while I was making pumpkin bars — mmm!
L & R: my little Punkin Head — isn’t he ADORABLE?!! I loooooove him. And I love this pumpkin hat too, and so does he! TOO cute. 🙂
L: this morning I wore Gabriel backpack-style for the first time — so I could bake biscuits & scrub bathrooms without worrying about burning or splashing him!
R: yesterday Gabriel went shopping with his mommy and grandmama — and he got the pumpkin hat, some sweaters, and some shoes. And yes, my son is decked out in Gymboree, Gap, and Nordstrom. Woot woot! 😉 lol.
L: Gabriel’s first pair of “Pedipeds” — so super handsome
R: and a new pair of Robeez for when his feet grow a little more — yay, puppy shoes!